Parents often start sweating for their child’s education just after his/her birth. Mostly the parenting – funda is to explore a School on the simple parameters of proximity, pocket- friendliness and crowd-pulling capacity. Their this chiselled bent of mind attributed to marginalised awareness and understanding of the core needs of Education digresses them to get
their child admitted to places with far-reaching subjectivity for a Quality Education.
In the modern scenario when mothers are also working and joint family system is declining, the Children spend more time with Electronic Gadgets and feel helpless in solving their dilemmas due to absence of awareness about pros & cons of a situation. There is thus a dire need to educate Children aiming at all round development of mind, body and soul which necessarily entails involvement of Parents/Guardians also, who in turn have to be constantly counselled/communicated for correcting their child not by changing but accepting, not by instructing but guiding and not by forcing but allowing him/her to choose path with enlightened knowledge and wisdom.
We can boast to be successfully contributing in nurturing the Children with such parental love, care, support & guidance by our team of dedicated, talented and competent Faculty and other Staff Members that you will feel as if they are at another home. This will happen simultaneous to being exposed to our Scholastic Format of teaching Academic Subjects as per tailor-made Syllabus to cover the Curriculum in a Scheduled Pattern which is a blend & balance of ‘Work and Play’. Yes! I said ‘Play’ as this inclusive word does wonders in respect of orienting body relaxation, skill development, exposing creative mind, socialisation, confidence building, group dynamism, grooming personality, learning etiquettes, shunning ego & attitude and learn discipline in varied formats.
Therefore, with open arms, we await your arrival to enable us to be in gear for converting the aforestated vision into reality whereby the ‘Pupils’ get transformed into ‘Disciples’.