Health Care
For addressing the normal Health Problems, the Trained Staff and requisite Medicines & Equipment are available in a specifically allotted Medical Room. For more complications of any disease, the intimation is given to the Parents/Guardians for their needful attention / referral elsewhere.
Free Annual Health Check-up is organised for all Children by the professional Medical Practitioners and a proper Report Card issued.
As part of ‘National De-worming Program’, all children of the School are administered single, age appropriate dose of Albendazole Tablets twice a year on the Scheduled Day followed by Mop-up Day fixed by the Ministry of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of India.
Health Advisories for prevention of Vector Borne and Communicable Diseases are floated from time to time for General Awareness of the Children, their Families and the Society.
R.O. Filtered Water for Drinking is provided thru Water Coolers regularly maintained.
Counselling and close watch is ensured for eating Healthy Food and avoiding Junk Food, washing hands before & after Food Consumption or use of Sanitizers, maintaining Personal Hygiene like cutting nails, polishing shoes, combing hair & wearing neat/tidy dress and contributing towards Cleanliness & Eco-System in the School Premises.