Most of us will consciously or sub-consciously admit about the proven notion that there is no dearth but only a striving need to unearth immense potential in any individual from the childhood itself. To translate this need into execution, one has to have a disposition of mind that this unearthing is optimally feasible only thru Education. Now in order to spread Academic Awareness and other Useful Knowledge as the basic components of Value Education, one has to be manifested with an obsession to bring to fore modes & means of realising this envisaged formidable task.
In early nineties, such a brewing obsession made me plunge into an array of ensembling with some hard-core Educationists holding Doctorate, Post-Graduation, Management & Graduate Degrees in Science, Engineering & Arts and setting-up NEW BLOOMING BUDS EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY with an aim & intent of opening Avenues for imparting Education at the budding age of a child.
To meet this end, BLOOMING BUDS PUBLIC SCHOOL was started with a motto that ‘Student is the First’ and ‘Studies are the Foremost’. By the grace of God, there has been no looking back and rather a constant & consistent up-swing has been achieved in adoration of Education and achieving its fruition for preparing class apart Blue Print of a child’s career.
My gratitude is always due for expression to the most sincere, competent, efficient, willing, dedicated and result-oriented Faculty with superb in-depth academic knowledge and impeccable quality for complacent teaching and versatile skills development.
Truly inspired so far by the accolades like candid performance, incredible image, child-centric role-play, proactive approach and niche opiniation of all stakeholders, I most confidently welcome the Parents/Guardians to join the said set-up of ‘Blooming Buds Public School ’ as the ‘Senior Wing’ or BLOOMING BUDS PLAY SCHOOL as the ‘Junior Wing’ and watch with pride the unearthed potential of your Ward enabling him/her move towards an aspirant future-ready knowledgeable citizen to contribute towards upliftment of the Society at large.